Shikhar Explorers’ Club (SEC), is a new venture conceived and initiated by Shikhar Travels (I) Pvt. Ltd., a leading specialised adventure and Destination Management Company in India, with over 44 years of experience, in business (since 1979).
SEC is the brainchild of the company’s Managing Director Capt. Swadesh Kumar, a renowned Mountaineer and Explorer with experience of over 48 years in the industry. Capt. Kumar is an industry stalwart who has played a leading role in several trade associations and organisations. He is the Past President of the Adventure Tour Operators Association of India (ATOAI), and its honorary lifetime Patron, Founder Member of the India Convention Promotion Bureau(ICPB), Member of the Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF), and Past Chair of ASTA ICPC (International Chapter President’s Council) and also on the Board of ASTA, among other positions.
Account Detail
Beneficiary Name: Shikhar Travels India Pvt. Ltd
Beneficiary's Account No: 14012000000589
Beneficiary's Bank Name: HDFC BANK LTD.
Address of Bank: kailash building , New delhi - 110001
IFSC Code: HDFC0000003
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